Liturgy and Worship

Campus Ministry provides liturgy and worship experiences that are geared towards our college student population, but all are welcome to pray with our King's College community. In addition to Sunday Masses and daily Mass, regular prayer opportunities include Taizé Prayer, Eucharistic Adoration, Confession, and student retreats. Students are invited to serve as lectors, extraordinary ministers of communion, altar servers, cantors, hospitality, and choir members.
Liturgy Schedule
- Sunday Mass: 10:30 a.m. and 8 p.m.
- Daily Mass: Monday through Friday 12:05 p.m. at the Chapel of Christ the King, Wednesday 9 p.m. in the Holy Cross Hall Chapel (student access only)
- Confession: Monday 6:30 p.m. -7:30 p.m., Thursday 11 a.m. - noon, or by appointment
- Eucharistic Adoration: Monday 6:30 p.m. -7:30 p.m.
- The liturgy schedule changes when the college is closed for breaks and snow days.
Sunday Mass
The community gathers each Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and 8 p.m. at the Chapel of Christ the King to celebrate the Eucharist. Mass is open to the public, but special attention is given to the homilies and planning of the Masses to the King's undergraduate student population. Members of the King's College Holy Cross community serve as the presiders and homilists at our Sunday Masses. If you are interested in serving as a liturgical minister at Mass, please email No prior experience is needed!
Weekday Mass and Holy Days
Each weekday, Monday through Friday, at 12:05 p.m., members of the King's community, friends of the College, and the general public gather to celebrate the Eucharist. Holy Cross priests who live on campus preside at the weekday Masses.
If you would like to request that a Mass be offered for a particular intention, you can contact Campus Ministry or request a Mass card here.
Each month, two special Masses are celebrated: one in memory of deceased King's College Alumni and Friends and another for members of the King's Community who are sick, ill, or injured. These are typically held on the third Thursday and Friday of each month. Please check your King's email or social media for exact dates. To submit names of the deceased to be remembered or prayers for healing, please contact Campus Ministry.
Holy Days of Obligation Mass that fall on a weekday are celebrated at 12:05 p.m. and as announced through King's College email and social media.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
The Catholic tradition holds at its core the celebration of God's forgiveness. The Sacrament of Reconciliation celebrates the reality that God loves us and never stops loving us. In fact, we believe that God loves us when we are in sin just as much as when we are out of sin. This sacrament is celebrated on Mondays from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. and Thursdays from 11:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. when classes are in session. The sacrament is also available by appointment: call (570) 208-5890, email, or stop by the Office of Campus Ministry. All Holy Cross priests on campus are likewise available to hear your confession.
You can prepare for the Sacrament of Reconciliation by using this or another Examination of Conscience.
"The Lord forgives our sins, heals us when we are sick, and protects us from death. His kindness and love are a crown on our heads." - Psalm 103
Eucharistic Adoration
For worship of the Eucharist outside of Mass, the King's College community is invited to celebrate Eucharistic Adoration Monday evenings from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Chapel of Christ the King. Those interested in prayer are welcome to join at any time and stay for as long as they like. Feel free to:
- Bring a bible with you and slowly read a passage to allow the words to sink into your soul.
- Converse with the Lord, who is so near to you. Tell Jesus about what is happening in your life, your hopes and dreams, as well as your needs and struggles.
- Choose a sacred word or phrase like "Jesus," or "Mary," or "Lord Jesus, be merciful to me" or "Lord Jesus, I love you." Repeat the word or phrase in a slow and steady rhythm breathing in and out as you do so. Let the word or phrase rest in your heart. Continue as long as you feel at peace.
- Bring a rosary and pray the prayers as you meditate on the mysteries of the life of Christ.
- View the tabernacle and enjoy the quiet with a spirit of gratitude and trust in the Lord.
Sacrament of Marriage
Alumni and members of the King's community are welcome to celebrate their marriage in the Chapel of Christ the King with the permission of the Bishop of Scranton. Engaged couples should contact Father Brogan Ryan, C.S.C., Director of Campus Ministry, at (570) 208-5890 or
"That is why a man will leave his own father and mother. He marries a woman, and the two of them become like one person." - Genesis 2:24
Confirmation and Initiation into the Catholic Church
Students who desire to become Catholic or Catholic students who wish to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation are invited to participate in the Confirmation Process. The Confirmation process is a time for students to learn, pray, and discern together where God is calling them in their faith lives. It is also the place where students inquiring about the Catholic faith, or Catholic students seeking to update their faith, can do so within a small communal and supportive setting. The process involves regular participation at Sunday Mass and a weekly meeting. Students interested in the Confirmation process or learning more about the Catholic faith may contact Father Brogan Ryan, C.S.C., Director of Campus Ministry, at (570) 208-5900 ext. 5694 or
"If you are thirsty, come and drink water! If you don't have any money, come, eat what you want!" - Isaiah 55
Sacred Spaces at King's College
King's College campus contains many different sacred spaces that are meant for the spiritual edification of the King's College community. To inquire about access or reserving a sacred space, contact See below for a brief description of these sacred spaces.
Chapel of Christ the King
The Chapel of Christ the King serves as the principal place of worship for the King's College community. Built in 1872 as Memorial Presbyterian Church, it was renovated and consecrated as the Chapel of Christ the King in 2019. The Chapel is open to members of the King's Community during services and business hours (by swipe access through the glass doors).
Holy Cross Hall Chapel
The Chapel on the 12th floor of Holy Cross Hall was originally the private chapel for the King's College Holy Cross Priests and Brothers. It is now accessible to the entire King's community via swipe access through the Holy Cross Hall lobby. Mass is celebrated on the 12th Floor Chapel at 9 p.m. on Wednesday.
Chapel in Alley Center for Health Sciences
Located on the 6th floor of the Alley Center, this chapel provides a place of quiet and peace for the residents, faculty, and staff in the building. This Chapel is accessible through the Alley Center lobby via King's swipe access.
Interfaith Prayer Rooms
Interfaith prayer rooms are located on the 6th floor of the Alley Center and the 1st floor of Holy Cross Hall. While students are invited to pray in any sacred space on campus, these spaces are intentionally interfaith in their furnishings. Members of the community may access these rooms through swipe access through the Alley Center and Holy Cross lobbies.
Rev. Jozef Murgas Room
The Rev. Jozef Murgaš Room at the Alley Center for Health Sciences was dedicated by the Slovak Heritage Society of Northeastern Pennsylvania and King's College and celebrates the vast achievements of Father Murgaš, who was a beloved priest, artist, botanist, scientist, and statesman. The Murgaš Room displays artifacts that document Father Murgaš's remarkable life, including some of his paintings, samples from his extensive butterfly collection, descriptions of his groundbreaking work in wireless broadcasting technology, and his priestly vestments.
Room Blessings
There is a long tradition at King's of blessing student residences. Students can request a room blessing to invoke God's blessing on all aspects of the new academic year and the conversations, study, prayer, recreation, and rest that will take place in their room. For a significant reminder through a ritual blessing that God is always with you, Contact Campus Ministry or Residence Life to have your room blessed.