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Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to volunteer for NEPA Go Baby Go?

We are looking for volunteers from a variety of age groups with a passion for science and community service. No experience needed! Must be 14 years of age or older (we will allow 10-12 years old to help with parent supervision). We provide all materials, equipment, and tools.

How are monetary donations used?

All donations go to the purchases of prefabricated ride-on vehicles as well as the tools, padding, frames, and other materials used to alter the vehicles for use by children with disabilities. Generally, each vehicle costs $400, with an additional $150 cost, on average, for the materials used in the modifications.

What kinds of disabilities can these vehicles help overcome?

The project seeks to assist children with limited mobility resulting from arthrogryposis, muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, down syndrome, congenital heart defect and other conditions.

The goal is to help foster physical, cognitive, and social development in these children by giving them the ability to move independently and play with other children. Certified engineers and occupational therapists ensure each vehicle is safe and adapted to a child's unique needs.

How did the NEPA Go Baby Go chapter begin?

The project originated as part of a capstone project under King's student Erika Golik, MS OTR/L, who was exploring how to bring the Go Baby Go model to Northeastern Pennsylvania. The effort has since expanded with engineering student leads Daniel Garcia and Christian Chavey under the guidance of faculty mentors Jennifer Dessoye, EdD, OTD, OTR/L, CLA, Dr. Marie Patterson, OTD, OTR/L and Elizabeth A. Dixon, MS Ed., OTR/L.

To date, the project includes more than 40 faculty and students, including volunteers from engineering and medical science clubs on campus. A $20,000 donation from the Moses Taylor Foundation provided the tools, vehicles, and modification materials for the first build day event.