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Program Overview

The Department of Foreign Languages offers courses designed to help the student develop skills in speaking, writing, reading, and understanding a foreign language. In doing so, this may enhance the student’s employment opportunities in a variety of ways, in addition to contributing to the student’s broad humanistic education.

The main objectives of the French major are to increase the student’s communication skills in French and enhance their understanding and appreciation for the French culture. This instruction and preparation provides the necessary background needed for careers in foreign language teaching, bilingual education, teaching English as a second language, and areas of graduate study. Pursuing a French major, in conjunction with another specialization, can not only aid the student when traveling, but also open up career opportunities fields such as government, international business/commerce, accounting, law, and communications.

study abroad students sitting on stairs in a french town


Knowledge of French provides a multitude of opportunities for students to branch out in the global economy, especially when combined with another field of study. While international awareness is necessary in today’s professional world, French can be a hometown endeavor, too. More than 4,600 French companies conduct business in the United States. Canada, now officially bilingual in French and English, is the most important trading partner of the U.S. and requires dual labeling in both languages on all imported products. French is the official language of 29 countries, and spoken at all in 53 countries. The language skills and cultural knowledge acquired will enhance employment opportunities in many fields.
Fields of employment
  • Law
  • Foreign service
  • Travel and tourism
  • Teaching
Fields of employment when combined with other areas of study
  • International business and commerce
  • Accounting
  • Print and electronic media
  • Human resources, etc.
Recent Graduates' Job Placements
  • U.S. Secret Service analyst
  • International accountant
  • Attorney
  • International business executive
  • French Embassy public relations officer
  • Travel agent
  • Librarian
  • Teacher
Opportunities for Graduate Studies Law School, M.A. and Ph.D. in French, Comparative Literature,
International Affairs, or Library/Information Science
Graduate School Admissions
  • Middlebury College
  • State University of New York, Binghamton
  • American University Law School
  • Ohio Northern Law School
  • College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium
  • George Washington University School of International Affairs
  • Rutgers University
  • New York University
  • Penn State University
person posing on stage dramatically

Program Details


A student may begin studying French at the beginner’s level if necessary, but FREN  is the first course that counts for the major. If taken, lower level courses then count as electives. Students are assisted through the placement process by a faculty member from the Department. French majors will plan their program in consultation with their major advisor in the Department of Foreign Languages. All decisions will be subject to the Chairperson’s approval. A French minor is also available.

Alpha Mu Gamma is a national collegiate foreign language honor society, sponsored by the Department, to recognize superior achievements of the student.

Study Abroad Option

Although it is not a requirement, French majors are encouraged to study abroad in a French-speaking country for a summer, semester, or academic year in order to more fully immerse themselves in the language and culture. Interested students may choose from numerous accredited programs sponsored by both American and foreign countries, with approval from King’s College officials. Students should consult the Office of Study Abroad and their major-advisor in the Department of Foreign Languages for assistance.

Degree Offered: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

Compatible Second Major or Minor

A French major can be combined with any other major. Many of the combinations are possible within the 120 credit graduation requirement. Others may require additional credits which can be acquired through summer study or a course overload during the regular semester. The following are examples of second majors which can be completed by French majors. Minors, which require fewer courses, are also available in many of these areas:

  • Accounting
  • Biology
  • Business Administration
  • Computers and Information Systems
  • Elementary Education
  • English
  • Environmental and Ecological Sciences
  • Health Care Administration
  • History
  • Human Resources
  • International Business
  • Marketing
  • Mass Communications
  • Political Science
  • Psychology
  • Spanish

Special Features

  • Second major option
  • Small classes conducted entirely in French
students studying in the gold room

Additional Info

Student Resources

Student Organizations

  • Foreign Languages Club
  • Alpha Mu Gamma

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