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Taylor Marouchoc '20

Spanish Studies Abroad

Alicante, Spain, Summer 2019

Favorite class/part of class? I loved my culture class, which was about tourism in Spain. I really enjoyed it because a huge part of the class was presenting so it gave me the chance to practice my Spanish in front of others as well as learn about the various cultures of students in the class.

What was the best part about your experience? I really liked being immersed in the culture while living with a host family.

How has this experience has influenced you upon your return to America? I learned a lot in Spain about the language and culture, and I feel like it opened my eyes to a whole new way of living that I had never experienced before. It made me more open-minded and attentive to the world around me instead of focusing on just the United States in the small town where I live.

Why you would recommend studying abroad? I would recommend studying abroad with a program like Spanish Studies Abroad to someone who is looking to improve their fluency in a second language and have an all-around cultural experience.

woman sits on wall in Spain