Institutional and Academic Grants
The Mission of the King’s College Institutional and Academic Grants (IAG) Office is to facilitate the procurement of external grants that support the mission of King's College; assist the faculty and administration in the identification of private and government funding sources; develop and submit grant proposals; facilitate the grant compliance process; and document and promote the achievements of those who procure grants.
At King's College, grants are a vital component of development because they support innovation in teaching and learning, institutional growth, and cooperative initiatives with the surrounding community.
While most philanthropic funds for independent education come from individuals, the three main sources of higher education grants are governmental agencies, foundations, and corporations. In our region, business philanthropy is usually directed through corporate foundations. Most funding sources restrict their grant dollars to clearly defined funding priorities, such as capital projects, endowments, operations, faculty research, etc.
Sponsored Agreements are grants, contracts, and other agreements under which King’s College faculty members, acting as Principal Investigators/Project Directors, performs research and development, training, and other sponsored work, as initiated by the faculty member. Faculty members are responsible and accountable to King’s College officials for the proper conduct of the project, compliance with policies, and the use of funds in accordance with King’s College and sponsor entity guidelines.
Resources and Services of IAG Office Include:
- Research Federal, State, Local and private funding opportunities to serve academic and institutional needs and funding priorities as guided by the strategic plan.
- Disseminate funding resources and grant information to faculty and administration.
- Coordinate with appropriate College oversight committees, boards, and offices to ensure that specific proposals, programs, and projects have been reviewed and approved for compliance.
- Schedule and facilitate program and project planning.
- Assist with proposal development, including drafts, narratives, and budget formation.
- Assist in compiling required supporting documentation such as letters of inquiry, etc.
- Review and edit proposals.
- Facilitate the grant approval and signature process.
- Submit grant proposals.
- Facilitate meetings between the Principal Investigator/Project Director of the grant and the Assistant Controller upon grant award.
- Monitor grant activity, facilitate grant compliance, and track submission of reports to funders during the post-award process.
- Maintain an on-line grants catalog/library for campus-wide information needs.
- Present development workshops on proposal preparation and writing.
- Build community partnerships in support of grant development.
- Propose policies and procedures to senior administration in compliance with grants and contracts management regulations.
Guidelines for Academic Grants
- Clearance and Approvals - All proposals for grants, contracts and cooperative agreements must have clearance; a completed King’s College Proposal Clearance Form must be signed by the Principal Investigator/Project Director, Department Chairperson, and Vice President for Academic Affairs, to ensure at the outset that the proposal fits within the mission and vision of King’s, and does not conflict with any other projects currently being undertaken at King’s. The Principal Investigator/Project Director must also ensure compliance with King’s Institutional Review Board, Instructional Animal Care and Use Committee, sponsor requirements, etc., as applicable.
- Proposal Preparation - The Principal Investigator/Project Director is responsible for preparing the proposal, with assistance and guidance from IAG.
- Budget Preparation - The Principal Investigator/Project Director is responsible for justifying the appropriateness of the direct and indirect costs budgeted. Budgets must be prepared in accordance with appropriate government regulations, sponsoring/contracting agency guidelines, and King’s College’s policies. IAG will assist in developing the budget. If a cash match is required, prior arrangements and approvals are required from the Department Chairperson, Vice president for Academic Affairs, and the Executive Vice President for Business and Administrative Affairs and Chief Financial Officer.
- Collaborative Projects - Collaborative/cooperative efforts with other institutions should be clearly delineated in the proposal. A signed Memorandum of Understanding should be attached to the Proposal Clearance Form, identifying the responsibilities of each institution. IAG will assist in writing this Memorandum of Understanding.
- Contracts - Principal Investigators/Project Directors are not authorized to sign contracts on behalf of King’s College.
- Post-Award - When a proposal has been approved for funding, IAG must be notified. IAG will review the terms and conditions with the Principal Investigator/Project Director and the Assistant Controller to review budgetary and reporting procedures.
- The Principal Investigator/Project Director is responsible for the following: performing the program/project within the constraints of the proposal/contact; all technical aspects of the project; the budget; authorization of all expenditure of funds; timely submission of all required reports; ensuring compliance with appropriate government regulations, sponsoring/contracting agency guidelines, and King’s College’s policies. IAG will provide assistance as needed.
- The Assistant Controller is responsible for making required fiscal reports and obtaining payment for sponsored projects. IAG will provide assistance as needed.
Michelle Giovagnoli
Director of Institutional and Academic Grants
King’s College
133 North River Street
514 Administration Building
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711
Phone: (570) 208-5847
Beth Doherty, M.Ed. ’18
Associate Director of Grants and Prospect Research
King's College
514 Administration Building
133 N. River Street Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711
(570) 208-8116